Tuesday, April 22, 2008

India Trip March 2008

One man eats "roti" (food)
Another man makes "roti" (food)
There is a third man who plays with his "roti"
Who is this third man?
The electorate of my country is quiet!!

I don't what is about going home that brings out the desire to start writing in my blog. The last time I updated my blog it was after a trip to Delhi. I visited New Delhi & Bangalore in March and was in India during Holi for the first time since I left India 23 years ago. It was quite a blast. Anyway, first things first. I travelled to Delhi via Munich on Lufthansa and every flight segment was full (going and coming back). Not a single empty seat. Where is the recession? High oil prices? I just don't see it being translated to fewer load in terms of passengers.

Arriving in Delhi is always an adventure. I guess a large company in India called GMR has been given the contract to renovate and build a new airport in Delhi. Well, the airport looks worse than the New Delhi Railway Station. All I ever hear on every trip to India for the last 23 years is how much progress is being made but again, it is not evident at the airport. It truly is a shame.

Sorry for being negative but it seems to me that India has become a land of the greedy. I have not seen a chasm bigger than what I see in India between the have a lot's and the have not's. Sure the middle class has enlarged but that is not where most of the countries population resides. I don't have real number but you don't need real numbers to see the number of poor in the city. All I ever hear is the number of new cars being manufactured in India and how everything is now available in India and that India is now more expensive than even USA. I am not suggesting that USA is superior or India is inferior but there is a false sense of pride at play. On one hand the rise of India as a economic superpower is admirable and is something for every Indian to be proud of (including myself) but where is the civic pride? Who are we trying to fool?

The state of the infrastructure is not just measured by the number of flyovers being built but also by the cleanup that needs to be done after the flyover or a highway is built. It is not normal to leave post construction mess littered on the side of the road at least not in any country that has norms.
Leaving India was as much an adventure as going there. 2 hours in line for security check with littered plastic bottles all over the place and this is an International Airport.

Enough of ranting for the day. I took a photo of a 3 wheeler that had an interesting message. It's posted above.

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