The food revolution in America has resurrected Kale to the Super Food status. A green, sickly looking leaf which garnished the plates of cheap diner dishes in years gone by, has all of a sudden skyrocketed to fame. Take a couple of celebrity chefs, sprinkle in a few juicy buzzwords, get Huffington Post to write an article gushing with praises of a "leaf" and you have a star in the making. Except, I still fucking hate Kale. I have always hated Kale and just like Justin Beiber would never grow on me, neither will Kale. My hope is that Kale will get relegated back to obscurity on the diner plates and never grace my salad. Yes, I know that it has more Vitamin C than Orange Juice but puhlease do not serve it to me in any Juice form as a matter of fact, in any form. Sorry Kale Chips but I do carry a grudge with anything that looks like only a cow would chew. If I want to get some Kale in my body, I will prefer eating the Cow that ate the kale instead.